Daepa is a large green onion. It has a thick stem and an aromatic smell and flavor when cooked. Specifically, the white section of the green onion is very aromatic when cooked. The roots can be cut off and thrown…
Napa Cabbage/Chinese Cabbage 배추 (bae-chu)
Napa cabbage has a mild flavor. It has a firm crisp base and tender leaves. When cooked it has a milky savory flavor. Napa cabbage is often used to make kimchi. It can also be seasoned raw, made into pancakes,…
Baby Napa Cabbage 풋배추/얼갈이배추 (put-ppae-chu/ol-gari bae-chu)
Baby Napa Cabbage is a cabbage that is planted in the wintertime. It has a crisp fresh flavor. It can be made into kimchi or blanched and seasoned as a side dish.
Cluster Mallow 아욱 (a-uk)
Cluster mallow is a leaf vegetable. It has a mild earthy green flavor and strong aroma that stimulates/increases the appetite. Before using this leaf, you should first remove the outer fibrous layer on the stem. Then wash the leaf well…
Chestnut Sweet Potato 밤고구마 (bam-go-guma)
Chestnut sweet potato has a chestnut-colored interior and flavor. When this type of sweet potato is stored for a longer period of time/is left to mature it will fall under a different variety of sweet potato called Water sweet potato…
Pumpkin Sweet Potato 호박고구마 (ho-bak-kko-guma)
Pumpkin sweet potato has a yellow-orange inside and sweet and creamy flavor. It can be roasted whole or made into side dishes.