You want a uniformly thick roll with no breaks that doesn’t fall apart. To achieve this, let’s break down the basic steps to rolling your Gimbap. Rolling your Gimbap Roll:
Best Proteins for Gimbap (김밥)
There are different types of Gimbap rolls that you can make using various proteins. Some proteins are added to most Gimbap rolls like fish cake, and some are added to make a specialty roll like tuna. Ham (햄)/Spam (스팸): Ham or…
Best Vegetables for Gimbap (김밥)
The vegetables added to the Gimbap do not need to be seasoned. Their natural flavor and texture should shine. Spinach (시금치)/Garlic Chives (부추): Spinach or chives can be substituted for each other. Blanch these vegetables in water, then drain and…
Seaweed Used for Gimbap (김밥)
There is a seaweed specifically used for making Gimbap called 김밥김 (gim-bap-gim) It is a pressed seaweed that is sturdier in texture. One side of the seaweed is shiny, and one side is duller. The shiny side is placed down on the…
Making Rice for Gimbap (김밥)
When making rice for Gimbap, you need to use medium-grain white rice (백미). When you prep the rice, you soak and strain it like usual, but you add a little less water to the rice when you cook it. The…
Small & Large Gimbap (김밥)
There are different sized Gimbap that you will see in Korean cuisine.