Buying Lamb When buying lamb, check the grading and decide which works for your budget. Do not buy frozen meat that has any excess ice crystallization or ice chunks crusted over it, because again it could mean that the meat…
Korean Meat Cuts: Lamb
Lamb is a baby sheep and because lamb raised for meat has not aged and or exercised their meat is more tender.
Buying, Freshness, and Storing Pork
Buying Pork When buying fresh pork check the grading and then the freshness label to buy the freshest best cut. When buying frozen pork do not buy frozen pork that has any excess ice crystallization or ice chunks crusted over…
Korean Meat Cuts: Pork
Buying, Freshness, and Storing Poultry
Buying Poultry When buying fresh poultry, you should first check the freshness label. This label will tell you the date that you should use the poultry by. Try and purchase the freshest poultry. Besides the freshness label, you can do…
Korean Meat Cuts: Poultry
When it comes to poultry, duck and chicken are often used in Korean cuisine. In the past pheasant was a very popular poultry that was used. Now before we begin, I want to highlight the most important takeaway from this…