Tofu in Korean is (두부 / Du-bu). There are different varieties of tofu ranging from silken to extra firm. Tofu varies based on the amount of water that the tofu contains. Different levels of water content give the tofu different texture and structure.
- Extra soft tofu aka sun-dubu (순두부) is super delicate and tender. It is used for soups and stews.
- Soft/silken tofu holds its shape better than Sun-dubu (순두부). Soft/silken tofu is easily crumbled or mashed. It is used for stews, soups, deep-fried, and or steamed dishes.
- Medium-firm tofu is firm but more juicy and tender than extra firm. It is used for stews, soups, braised, and or stir-fried dishes.
- Firm/Extra-firm tofu is dense and the most firm out of all tofu. It can be pan-fried, stir-fried, braised, grilled, or used for skewers.