I cannot explain every 구이 method, so I will explain the general tips and methods that apply to most 구이 recipes and some techniques.
Fats for Grilling
Add a neutral-flavored high smoke point oil to the pan. If using a fish rack (good for delicate fish) then oil the fish rack. When using a grill, brush oil onto the grate of the grill.
Whether you are using a pan, grill, or fish rack, make sure to brush or add oil. Some oils that I recommend using are grape seed oil, canola oil, soybean oil, or chili oil. In a lot of Korean restaurants, a chunk of pork belly fat is used as the oil for the pan. You can use tongs to spread the piece of fat over the surface and then reserve it on the side of the pan, on a plate, or on the side of your Korean BBQ pan. Fats like butter or garlic butter should be added at the end of the cooking process to add flavor. Do not add these low smoke point fats too early, or they will burn before your protein is done cooking.
Cooking Temperature
Grill on medium heat. Too high, and the ingredient will burn before it is fully cooked. Too low, and it will not brown on the surface. Once the oil is completely heated, then add the protein.
The temperature for grilling should be medium-medium high, depending on how big or thick the cut of protein is. I recommend grilling on medium heat because this gives you get that golden skin but also helps to cook the ingredient without burning. You can mess with the temp and go medium to medium-high as you start grilling and learning what works for what you are grilling.
Besides the actual temperature of the grilling vessel, you also need to consider the internal temperature of the ingredient you are grilling. The following internal temperatures should be reached to prevent food-borne illness, according to the FDA. It is your choice to cook things like beef or lamb at a lower internal temperature.
- Whole & ground chicken 165F/74C
- Whole fish and shellfish 145F/63C
- Ground seafood 155F/68C
- Beef cuts 145F/63C
- Ground meat 155F/68C
- Pork 145F/63C
- Lamb cuts 145F/63C
Adding your Ingredient to Pan
There is a method for adding your ingredient to your pan.
- Make sure the vessel and fat in up to temperature before you add your ingredients.
- After adding the ingredient, do not flip it too often. Just flip it after the juices start to release on the surface.
- If you are grilling marinaded meats with bones, then you need to be careful not to burn the marinade before the protein is done cooking. You can add some liquid to the pan as you grill your protein with the bone in so that it doesn’t burn. You can also place the heat on medium-low when cooking proteins with bones to ensure they are cooked completely. But again, if you want to prevent the marinade from burning, add a liquid to the pan.