There are certain ingredients that are used when seasoning Namul. I will go over which are used and why.
Salt Flavor
- Flower Salt (꽃소금): You can use plain salt to season your vegetables for Namul dishes. When salt is used to season the ingredients for Namul it may taste salty at first, but over time as it sits or if stored in the fridge, it will get better and more balanced. Salt can be added to a seasoning sauce, but it is also used when blanching vegetables for certain Namul dishes. Salt is added when blanching vegetables to not only season them but to retain color and enhance the flavor of the vegetables.
- Soup Soy Sauce (국간장): soup soy sauce offers a lighter flavor, is saltier than other soy sauces, and doesn’t change the color of the ingredients in the Namul dish. Soup soy sauce is the best soy sauce to use, but if you don’t have soup soy sauce, you can use dark soy sauce. Dark soy sauce (진간장/왜간) has some sweetness to it which also works well when making Namul dishes. When you use soy sauce to season Namul dishes, it will get saltier tasting over time as it sits.
- Sand Lance Fish Sauce (까나리 액젓): You can use sand lance fish sauce (까나리 액젓) when seasoning Namul because it is lighter and has a cleaner flavor than anchovy fish sauce (멸치 액젓). Fish sauce can be used alone to season the Namul or paired with soup soy sauce.
Flavored Oils
Sesame oil and perilla seed oil add flavor and are important flavors that need to be used when making Namul.
- Perilla Seed Oil (들기름): Perilla seed oil adds fragrance and shine to Namul dishes. It is a little sweet but has a milder flavor and scent compared to sesame seed oil.
- Sesame Seed Oil (참기름): Sesame seed oil adds a nutty flavor, aroma, and shine to the Namul dishes.
Dry Seasoning Ingredients
- Perilla Seed Powder (들깨가루): Perilla seed powder is made from crushed perilla seeds. Perilla seed powder is savory and adds a thicker texture. This can be used as a substitute for salt if you want a low-salt recipe.
- Crushed Sesame Seeds (볶음참깨): Crushed roasted sesame seeds are a very important contributor to the flavor of Namul dishes. You will see them added to every Namul dish. It adds crunch, texture, and a nutty flavor. Crushed sesame seeds release the nutty scent of the sesame seeds, making them more aromatic. There is also something called “깨소금” that is sold. 깨소금 is a combination of salt and sesame seeds, so be careful to know what you are adding to your Namul dish so that it doesn’t get accidentally salty. You can use the crushed sesame seed and salt mixture to season Namul.
- Small Dried Anchovy (멸치): Dried anchovy can be toasted and added to Namul dishes. You need to use small or medium small anchovy. Do not use large soup-sized anchovy. The small anchovy is fine to eat whole; you do not need to remove the head or guts, unlike large-sized anchovy. Dried anchovy can be used to add a salty flavor.
- Dried Seaweed (미역): Dried seaweed (미역) which is commonly used to make seaweed soup, can be rehydrated and added to Namul to add a natural salty flavor.
- Coarse Red Pepper Flakes (굵은고춧가루): Red pepper flakes are available in coarse and fine. I recommend using coarse because it adds the red pepper flake look along with spice. Fine red pepper flakes can throw off the texture of the Namul if you use too much by making it too thick.
Sweetening Ingredients
- White Sugar (설탕): Adding sugar to vegetables can strengthen the cell structure of the vegetables, as well as add flavor and balance the flavor of the dish. White sugar can remove any bitter flavor and adds a clean flavor without changing the basic taste of the dish.
- Plum Syrup (매실청): Plum syrup adds a fruity sweet flavor.
- Oligodang (올리고당): Oligodang is a grain syrup. It adds a nice shine and sweetness to Namul dishes. This syrup’s sweetness goes away when heated, so it’s best to use it at the end of a cooked namul dish or for fresh Namul dishes.
- Honey (꿀): Honey can be sued to sweeten and gives a unique flavor.
Aromatic Ingredients
These added aromatic ingredients are important for the flavor of Namul dishes. They are usually minced or sliced thinly and then added. You can add these aromatic ingredients raw or cooked lightly if the dish is stir-fried. When using these aromatic ingredients for a cooked Namul side dish, activate the green onion, garlic, or peppers lightly without browning in oil so that it still maintains its fresh flavor and bright color.
- Green Onion (파): Green onion adds a fresh flavor and color to the dish. It can be added in the mix and on top for visual appeal. The white of green onion is extra aromatic and is often used to make flavored oil when making stir-fried Namul.
- Garlic (마늘): Garlic is spicier in late summer, so keep that in mind. Minced garlic is so important to the flavor of Namul. The amount you add makes it taste more delicious, so it needs to be balanced.
- Pepper (고추/청양고추): You can add mild or spicy peppers. Peppers add a fresh flavor, texture, and smell to the Namul dish.
Fermented Pastes
Fermented pastes are used to season Namul.
- Soybean Paste (된장): Soybean paste adds a savory depth and salty flavor. It also can add some different textures and aromas. Keep in mind that it can add some thickness. Soybean paste can also help to remove any bitter flavors from the vegetables.
- Red Pepper Paste (고추장): Red pepper paste adds a savory umami flavor. It also adds spice and sweetness to the dish.
Other Seasoning Ingredients
Finally, let’s talk about some other ingredients that can add flavor to Namul. Certain vegetables need to be braised slightly when being made into Namul dishes. Rice water and anchovy broth can be used.
- Rice Water (쌀속뜨물): Rice water can be used when braising the dishes to add extra nutrients. It can also be used to blanch vegetables to retain nutrients. Rice water can also help to get rid of the strong smells that accompany dried greens.
- Anchovy Broth (멸치육수): Anchovy broth adds extra flavor and brings out the umami in Namul dishes that need to be braised slightly. It can also remove any strong smells from certain greens.
- Vinegar (식초): Vinegar adds a different flavor that can balance the Namul dish and can be used as a salt substitute if you want a low-salt dish. Vinegar also helps to firm the texture of the vegetables because the fibers in the vegetables get firm when acids are added.