When it comes to poultry, duck and chicken are often used in Korean cuisine. In the past pheasant was a very popular poultry that was used.
Now before we begin, I want to highlight the most important takeaway from this poultry section, and that is this safety tip: cook all poultry to 165F to prevent illness.
Chicken Neck (목심/Mok-Ssim)
This cut is soft and chewy.
Uses: 튀김 (Deep Fried), 장조림(Braised)
Chicken Breast (가슴살/Ga-Seum-Sal)
This cut is tougher, low in fat, and has a clean flavor.
Uses: 튀김(Deep Fried), 볶음(Stir-fried), 찜(Steamed), 냉채(Salad)
Chicken Tenderloin (안심/An-Sim)
This cut has no fat and is very soft and tender.
Uses: 튀김(Deep Fried), 볶음(Stir-fried), 냉채(Salad)
Chicken Breast Quarter (어깨살/Ok-Kae-Sal)
This cut is soft and contains no fat. It has a clean taste.
Uses: 튀김(Deep Fried), 장조림(Braised)
Chicken Feet (닭발/Dak-Ppal)
This cut has cartilage and collagen. It has a chewy softish texture.
Uses: 볶음(Stir-Fried)
Chicken Drumstick (다리살/Da-Ri-Sal)
This cut has a chewy texture and some fat.
Uses: 장조림 (Braised), 구이 (Grilled)
Chicken Thigh (넓적다리/Nop-Jjok-Tta-Ri)
This cut has little fat and a nice umami flavor.
Uses: 튀김 (Deep-Fried), 구이 (Grilled), 찜 (Steamed), 바베큐 (Barbecue)
Chicken Wing (날개/Nal-Gae)
This cut contains collagen and is high in protein.
Uses: 튀김 (Deep-Fried), 장조림 (Braised)
Whole Chicken (통닭/Tong-Dak)
This refers to the whole chicken.
Uses: 탕 (Soups), 튀김 (Deep-Fried), 조림 (Braised), 찜 (Steamed)