Step #1: Scale the fish
Scales are inedible and must be removed before cooking the fish. The process for removing scales depending on the size of the fish. This chart describes the method for smaller fish.
- Hold the fish’s tail and scrape the back of your knife against the scales from tail to head to remove.
- Use a dry towel to rub the skin clean as you scrape.
- Rub against the skin of the fish to ensure all the scales are removed.
Step #2: Remove the guts
It is mandatory to remove the guts of the fish when making steamed or soup dishes with the fish. It is optional to remove the guts when you grill fish but keep in mind that the fish meat around the gut area can taste bitter if the guts are left inside.
- Cut the belly of the fish from tail to head.
- Pull out the guts, and pat dry the inside with a paper towel until the inside is clean and empty.
Step #3: Remove the fins
You can cut the fins off of the back, side, and tail of the fish.
- Carefully grab the fins (they can be sharp) and use kitchen scissors to cut them off.
Step #4: Remove the gills
The gills can add a bitter flavor. They are optional to remove if you plan on grilling the fish but must be removed if the fish will be used in soups or braised.
- Remove the gills from the fish by cutting them out with scissors.