Korean radish is juicy and crisp. It is not spicy at all, it has a very mild fresh flavor when raw which turns savory when cooked.
The skin of the radish goes from green to white. The inside meat is clean white.
As I mentioned it is very neutral when raw so it can take on the flavor of what it is seasoned with very well. When cooked, it tastes savory and tender. The greens of this radish are also used fresh or dried to make various dishes. Radish is known to help with hangovers so use it to make soup after a fun night out.
Some common recipes this radish is used for are kimchi, stir-fried, added to soups, used to make broths, or seasoned raw.
If you can not find this radish in-store then you can use daikon radish or turnip. Daikon radish is a good substitute for both raw and cooked dishes. Turnips are a good substitute for cooked dishes, for example, they can be added to soups.